Climate Change Modeling

What is the current distribution of cacao in Peru?
A better understanding of the suitability distribution cultivated and wild cacao in Peru, and how these might change under climate change, is important to develop adaptation strategies aimed at enhancing the productivity of cacao in general and FFC in particular. These maps show the current distribution (black) and suitable area (yellow to brown) of cultivated cacao. The current distribution of wild cacao is illustrated through the combination of the red dots which are observation records, and the tones of green which show the suitable area. Want the whole story?
What does the future of cacao in Peru look like?
What does the future of cacao in Peru look like?
we used internationally developed climate models to understand how the suitable area of cacao is expected to change under future climatic conditions. These maps indicate the fate of cultivated cacao distribution given 75% agreement among the >30 future climate models under “business as usual” conditions (right) and satisfaction of the Paris Climate Agreement (left). Predictions like these are guiding our work to select genotypes for the genetic resource management component of the FFC project. Want the whole story?